Donate monthly and become the life-blood of the YAA

A regular donation is a simple way to support us that will make a big difference.

Be part of something special and become a life saver. By donating to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance monthly, you will be joining a community dedicated to sustaining the Yorkshire Air Ambulance for future generations. Your monthly gift will help to keep the Yorkshire Air Ambulance helicopters in the air, saving lives across Yorkshire not only right now but for years to come.

Last year our crew were called out to over 1300 incidents. We receive no government funding and so your donations, however big or small, really do make a difference.

Why giving monthly matters:

  • It’s affordable – you can choose to give an amount that is right for you, and whatever your monthly gift is it will make an incredible impact over the course of your support
  • It helps us to plan for the future – sustained donations enable us to strategically expand and innovate, ensuring that we are always delivering a state-of-the-art service that is the best it can be
  • It builds community – by donating regularly you are joining a special group of like minded people who understand the importance of giving something back and making a sustained commitment to help us keep saving lives across Yorkshire
  • It helps to keep us airborne – we can’t do it without you!

A regular donation of just £5 a month (16p per day) will help to ensure that we are there should you or a loved one need us, 365 days of the year.

Make a regular donation

How much would you like to donate per month?


See here for other ways to donate

Image of past YAA patient

Patient Stories

Read heart-warming stories from some of our patients and see how your donation really can help to save lives

If you would prefer to set up a direct debit by post you can download our direct debit form here. You will find details of how to return it to us on the form.

Other ways to donate

Upcoming events

29 SEP 2024
Run, walk, leap, cycle, swim

Run For All – Sheffield 10K 2024

A 10K run through the City of Sheffield

20 OCT 2024
Run, walk, leap, cycle, swim

Yorkshire Marathon 2024

Be part of this incredible festival of running in the beautiful city of York.

12 DEC 2024
YAA Events
Corporate events

Yorkshire Air Ambulance Christmas Lunch 2024 – Bowcliffe Hall

Join Yorkshire Air Ambulance for a festive lunch at the fantastic Bowcliffe Hall.

Sign up HERE to receive the latest news from YAA.