Make saving lives part of your business

Businesses large and small play a critical role in raising both awareness and funds for our lifesaving Charity. Both through charitable funding and by influencing and inspiring people across Yorkshire to get involved.

We hope your business will want to join our YAA family and the growing number of Corporate supporters who have already selected Yorkshire Air Ambulance as their chosen charity.

We are passionate about promoting business opportunities within Yorkshire to our Corporate Partners. Many businesses are already seeing the benefits of working with us through a bespoke partnership package.


Benefits of becoming a YAA Corporate Partner can include:

 Your Business will be helping to save lives across Yorkshire * Sponsorship opportunities * Fundraising initiatives

 Invitations & priority booking of YAA Events * Positive PR * Volunteering Opportunities

Introductions to other YAA Partners * Employee fundraising incentive schemes * Employee engagement

Your company logo on our Partners board at our Nostell airbase * Invitations to our annual Partner events

Find out more about these and other benefits by visiting the page links below.


To discuss how you can make saving lives part of your business contact:

For South and West – Vickie Cowan

M: 07876 899097

For North and East – Tessa Klemz

M: 07825 894649

Two ladies. One on the left with long brown hair , wearing a black top, one on the right with shorter brown hair wearing a white shirt and a black gilet.



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