Mar 21

Zoom… we’ve heard this word A LOT over the past 12 months. We’ve also heard a lot of ‘you’re still on mute’ and ‘your camera isn’t on’, and as frustrating as technology can be, and often is, where would we have been without it?

As Community Fundraisers we thrive on getting out and about in our local communities, often providing talks and presentations to groups, schools and workplaces, to name a few. Then the pandemic hit…

As a team, we were faced with the ‘new normal’ and having to find new ways of connecting with our local communities. Along with the wonderful community groups, WIs, Rotary Groups, Scout Groups etc. etc. we were all having to adapt to this new and unusual way of ‘meeting up’. But we did it. Not forgetting our wonderful volunteers who have stuck with us through this time. We’ve held quizzes, meetings, crafts and even a treasure hunt! We found a way and we even realized that these virtual talks provided a few bonuses; not having to travel, and no need to set up heavy equipment such as projectors and screens. It won’t ever replace full human contact or the loveliness of sitting down and having a face-to-face cuppa, but it works, and it’s given us the wonderful opportunity of being able to connect with our communities whilst having to stay at home.

So, even if we’ve got to put up with hearing ‘you’re still on mute’ and the interruption of the delivery driver knocking on the door with our latest delivery for a while longer, we’ll embrace it and remember how lucky we are to live in a world where this is possible.

Lynne Copley, West Volunteer, said: “I think the Zoom talks have been a real morale booster during the lockdown, both for us and the groups we’ve offered talks to. Thanks to the support from the fundraising team, it has all proved (mostly) very straight forward. Just as before, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the contact with different groups. I also think that using Zoom adds another string to our bow, enabling wider outreach to individuals and groups who may find it difficult to meet at a venue but could access the talks in their own homes.”

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