Mar 20

It costs £12,000 a day to keep our helicopters maintained and in the air and right now, in this time of uncertainty, we need your support more than ever before.

If you are able and willing to, below are six ways you can support the YAA without leaving the comfort of your home, from setting up online fundraisers, to simply spreading the word about our services:

Spread the word

We understand that not everyone has money that they are able to donate right now. One of the most valuable gifts you can give us as a charity is helping spread the word about the work we do, whether it’s by sharing one of our social media posts or creating your own!

Play our YAA Lottery

One of the easiest ways to support us is by playing our lottery. Not only will you be helping save lives across our region, but you could also be in with the chance of winning over £600!

Find out more about the YAA Lottery and play online here.

Set up a regular donation

Regular donations are the life-blood of our charity. They enable us to plan for the future and gives us a consistent income stream, which helps keep both of our helicopters in the air. You can pledge as little or as much as you like, every donation is appreciated.

Find out more about how regular donations help YAA and set up your donation here.

Make a donation in lieu of an occasion

Give the gift that keeps on giving by considering making a donation in lieu of someone’s birthday, wedding or special occasion. This is a great choice for loved ones in your life who you are struggling to buy for. In return for your donation, we will pop a celebratory message on our board so you can show them how much you care!

Make a donation in lieu here.

Shop using Amazon Smile, or choose us as your preferred eBay charity

Amazon Smile and eBay both have affiliate schemes which donate a percentage of the money you have spent back to your preferred charity, at no extra cost to you! To do this, simply register with Amazon Smile or select us as your favourite charity on eBay at the checkout.

Setting up an online fundraiser

Looking for something to do to help pass the time away? Why not get creative and set up an online fundraiser. Challenge yourself and others in your household to run a balcony marathon or cycle on your previously abandoned exercise bike. If you have a skill, why not consider hosting live sessions on social media. The possibilities are endless!

Find out more about online fundraising for YAA here.

Your support means a great deal to us and the lives you help save across the region. Thank you for helping to keep us flying over Yorkshire!

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