There are many ways you can support and fundraise for Yorkshire Air Ambulance and as an independently funded charity, we are grateful for any help that we receive. From sponsored walks to cycle races, and bake sales to coffee mornings, the possibilities are endless and our dedicated team of fundraisers are here to help you at every step of your fundraising journey and make it as much fun for you as possible.

Fundraising Ideas image

How to organise an event and fundraising ideas

Check out our fundraising guide and useful tips for organising your own event!


Fundraising Pack

Request a fundraising pack

Request a fundraising pack today and help save lives across Yorkshire!


children racing

Tell us about your fundraising

We would love to hear about your fundraising stories - let us know how we can help you!


total warrior man swimming


Check out the latest events from YAA for you to get involved with


  • Health & Safety

    When fundraising, it’s not worth taking any risks with safety or the law. Here are a few things you might need to consider. If you are in any doubt please contact your local Fundraisers or someone at Charity HQ who should be able to advise you. You can find the relevant names and numbers on our Contact page.

    • Ensure all publicity material includes ‘All proceeds/profits will go to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance Charity’. Events should be held ‘in aid of Yorkshire Air Ambulance’ too. You must also state YAA’s registered charity number. If you want to include the YAA logo, it should be our special ‘Proud to support’ logo, which contains our registered charity number, you can find out more about using it and request it HERE.
    • Raffles are now carefully regulated and the only type of raffle that can be operated without a licence is one where the tickets are sold and the prize draw are on the same day. You cannot pre-sell tickets without obtaining a licence from your local council. You must do this directly with them, and not through YAA.
    • If you want to sell alcohol at your event you will need to obtain a licence from your local police station or alternatively, you can sell tickets which can then be exchanged for drinks.
    • Anyone collecting money in a public place will require a Street Collection Licence from their local council. To collect donations on private property, such as in a supermarket or pub you only need the permission of the owner or manager of the venue.
    • Safety is an important aspect of any event so always check any facilities in advance, including any fire exits.
    • Consider any first aid requirements. Some events/fundraising will not require first aid cover depending on the size and nature of the event. You may consider contacting your local Red Cross or St John Ambulance for advice.
    • If you are preparing food yourself, you’d be well advised to get someone involved who has been awarded a Basic Food Hygiene Certificate.
    • If you are organising a fundraising event you may be required to take out adequate Public and Product Liability insurance cover.
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