Aug 21

Summertime is one of the busiest periods for Yorkshire Air Ambulance and with restrictions now lifted and many people discovering their newfound freedom, we’re expecting this year to be busier than ever before.

Common summer incidents include road traffic collisions involving vehicles and motorcyclists, cycling injuries, falls from a height, rambling and also D.I.Y injuries as people prepare their gardens and homes for the summer.

With the weather being warmer this year, we have also seen a significant rise in people getting into difficulty in Yorkshire’s open waters on the coast, as well as inland areas such as reservoirs and canals.

As we embrace the final few weeks of summer, it’s important to remember the common risks that the brighter weather can pose. Below are a few of our handy tips to keep yourself, your family and your friends safe whilst having fun this year.

In the countryside

  • Overexertion in hot weather can lead to dehydration, so when you’re climbing up some of Yorkshire’s steepest peaks or taking a long stroll on a warm afternoon, it’s important to remember to stay hydrated.
  • Wear appropriate clothing and shoes for your trek such as walking boots and dress for the weather, either by wearing thermals for colder weather or breathable fabrics and plenty of sunscreen for when it is warm outside.
  • Download the What3Words app. What3Words will enable emergency services to pinpoint your exact location within a three-metre radius using a three word generated code. The what3words app is compatible with other apps such as Google Maps, Apple Maps and Waze and can also connect to Satnavs. It can also be speech-activated and because the app is GPS and algorithm-based, it can be used with no internet connection. https://what3words.com/
  • If you’re out for a long hike, consider carrying a basic first aid kit. Being prepared for the unexpected could help you or other ramblers in remote areas in event of an emergency.
  • If you’re walking alone leave a copy of your route with a relative or friend s0 they know where to find you.
  • If you’re using your phone for navigation, try to carry an extra battery pack.

On the roads

  • Plan your journey ahead to ensure you are confident with your route and to check for any road diversions or traffic delays.
  • Regularly service your vehicle to prevent any unnecessary accidents and check your tyres before leaving on a long trip.
  • Watch out for other road users such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists who may be hidden from view.
  • Have regular rest stops on long journeys to help you stay alert and focussed.

Doing D.I.Y

  • Enlist a spotter! Ask a family member or friend to hold your ladder for you where possible.
  • Always use the correct tools for the job
  • Wear protective clothing such as safety goggles, gloves and masks when working in dusty conditions or with hazardous materials.
  • Make sure all machinery or electrical appliances are switched off before carrying out any maintenance on them.

In the water

  • Alcohol badly affects judgement, swimming ability and body temperature, so do not have an alcoholic drink if you’re planning on getting into water.
  • Always make sure you have someone with you who can call for help if you get into difficulties in the water and keep an eye on non-swimmers and children.
  • Be aware of what lies beneath the water such as strong rips or currents or hidden obstacles.
  • Read the signs and if you’re on the beach, follow the safety advice from lifeguards

For more information on water safety, please visit: https://www.yorkshireairambulance.org.uk/news-patient-stories/news/yorkshire-organisations-come-together-to-highlight-importance-of-being-water-wise/





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