Apr 13

The Leeds office of international legal practice, Squire Sanders has chosen to raise funds for Yorkshire Air Ambulance in 2013, helping the charity to continue providing a life saving service to 5 million people across the region. Yorkshire Air Ambulance is an independent charity providing a life saving rapid response emergency service to people across Yorkshire. With the county's varied topography it is often difficult for land ambulances to rescue individuals in remote locations or assist with major trauma cases, YAA however is on average only 10 minutes flying time from the nearest hospital and 15 minutes from the most relevant treatment centre. In many cases this speedy response can save lives. The charity has two air ambulances which operate from Leeds Bradford Airport and RAF Topcliffe near Thirsk which cover the whole of the region. YAA is completely dependent upon the generosity of the public and has to raise a staggering £9990 per day in order to keep the air ambulances in the air. Lindsay Texel, Squire Sanders Partner and Head of the Leeds Charity Committe said: "So many lives are and continue to be touched by the fantastic work that the charity does. My colleagues here in Leeds appreciate how important the YAA's work is as they have a bird's eye view of the LGI's rooftop helipad from their office windows and often see the air ambulances 'in action' delivering seriously ill or injured patients for treatment. We have a wide range of activities planned over the coming months including a 'Run for Home' challenge in which teams will be dropped by coach at a secret location and have to make their way back to the Leeds office in the fastest time possible without money, maps or phones/GPS technology and a partner leader event in the Summer, 'I'm a Partner…Get Me Out Of Here' in which the Leeds Partners will face a series of bushtucker style trials to raise money for YAA. Our colleagues, clients and friends always make a tremendous effort to support our charity activities and we are already well on our way to another successful year of fundraising." Nicky Massen, YAA Regional Fundraising Manager added: "We are delighted to be working in partnership with Squire Sanders. The need for Yorkshire's business community to support our charity has never been stronger as we rely heavily on companies to raise funds like this, through sponsorship or by joining our Business Supporters' Network in order to keep this service operational."

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